The round ball like object at the top of the solar panel is the GPS unit.
Keeping equipment dry is very important! We use lots of plastic boxes and bags!
Downloading data on a laptop. It looks like lots of numbers.
A reftek seismic recorder - these are put in heavy duty plastic bags or plastic boxes to keep them dry.
A palm pilot records the data about the position of each seismic station
I have spent time over the past few weeks checking and collecting data from seismometer stations around the Wellington area. Some are permanent and record data long term, while others are left in place for a particular length of time for a monitoring project and then shifted to other sites. Site information is read from a palm pilot linked to GPS and recorded so we know which site is which later. Seismic data is stored on cards like the sd card in a digital camera. Data is downloaded onto a laptop and new cards put in to collect new information. Most have a solar panel for power and back up batteries as well.
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